As featured in

Selling made easy
Set up your online store in minutes. Sell products, services, classes, packages, memberships, and gift cards. No fees or commissions for services sold.
Gift Cards
Tap into the power of the free Sofia marketplace
Set up your Sofia profile. Your services and products are automatically added to our marketplace.
- No hidden booking fees. You keep 100% of the profit for services booked*.
- Online booking 24/7
- Build trust with clients through your profile
*Transaction fee for products sold. See pricing for details.

Go virtual, grow your reach
Your knowledge is powerful! Share it online and help others.
Sofia Health empowers you to create an online presence by adding video content to your profile. Whether you've crafted comprehensive courses or have insightful video clips on specific topics, you have the power to inspire and transform people's lives by sharing your expertise.

Secure online payments
Convenient, Fast, and Secure. With our integrated system, you can accept online payments while providing a safe experience to your clients.

Inventory management
Upload images for each product, set a sales price, and add your quantity. It’s that simple.

Shipping & tracking
After a sale, enter the shipping and tracking for your preferred carrier. Boost online sales by offering free or flat shipping rates.

Your all-in-one business hub
Manage your practice, sell your services and products - all from the same place.

Convenient, Fast and Secure
Sofia has integrated the world's most secure and convenient payment processor, Stripe, to ensure you and your clients have a simple and safe experience.
- Accept any major credit/debit card.
- Issue refunds
- Manage payments from your dashboard.
Frequently asked questions
How can I create an online presence with Sofia Health?
Showcase your expertise! Share video content like courses or insightful clips on your profile to inspire and transform lives within our community.
How does Sofia Health ensure secure online payments?
Our integrated system lets you accept payments quickly and securely. Your clients can rest assured their transactions are protected throughout the process.
How do I get started selling online?
Setting up your Sofia profile is easy. Once complete, your services and products are automatically added to our marketplace, increasing your reach to potential customers.
Are there any hidden fees?
No hidden booking fees! You keep 100% of your service bookings. There is a transaction fee for products sold (see pricing details).
Is online booking always available?
Yes! Our online booking system operates 24/7, offering flexibility for both you and your clients.
How does my profile help me build trust?
Your Sofia profile showcases your expertise and offerings, allowing clients to learn more about you. This transparency builds credibility and fosters trust.
How can I upload my products?
It's easy! Upload product images, set prices, and specify quantities for a smooth shopping experience for your customers.
What features help me sell more online?
After a sale, you can enter shipping information for your preferred carrier. Additionally, offer free or flat shipping rates to incentivize purchases!